A high tea with a twist, Punna café mixes the concept of traditional high tea with a feast of Thai food and desserts to create an afternoon banquet of sweet and savoury finger food.

The high tea is set in an air-conditioned teak panelled lounge area with a bar but there is the option to have it in their outdoor garden area too. Because their high tea is not as well-known as some of the other hotel high teas, chances are you may have the whole place to yourselves. Staff add to the atmosphere, being dressed in traditional Thai outfits.


Punna Cafés version of high tea feels less colonial and more an example of how Thai people love to enjoy food. In Thai history, afternoon tea was accompanied by a light meal and was popular in the Thai Royal Court. Punna Café has tried to maintain the traditional culture and serve up dishes which are artworks within themselves.


The experience starts with choosing the tea from an array of classic teas, before a tiered high tea stand is brought in. The top two layers display beautiful examples of Thai jellied desserts and coconut rice balls, while the bottom is packed with delightful little sandwiches almost too beautiful to eat. However the high tea stand is just the beginning. The staff continue to bring in elaborate dishes of food, from chilled multi coloured vegetables in a bowl to canapés of fried sticky rice and chicken. A stand of carved fruit is one of the prettiest dishes on the table, with papaya carved into leaves and watermelons into hearts.The final dish to be brought in is a generous helping of mango and sticky rice, and once space is made on the table for the traditional dessert, the high tea feast can begin. Come hungry and clear a good few hours for eating and drinking.

For more cafes and high tea delights check out the chapter in ThaiSmart Expeditions.
