Laura Gibbs has been working as a freelance writer for over four years and has lived in Thailand for six years already, priding herself on being an expert on travel and expatriate life in Thailand. She has extensively explored Asia and Europe and bases most of her writing on real life experiences. Laura focuses on luxury travel, finding hidden gems and is most interested in city life and how people adapt to living in different places. She believes strongly in living abroad and re-location for personal growth, as well as travel for better understanding cultures. To her, the notion of a ‘home’ should be chosen and built, and the same with a life and career. Her dream is that everyone in their 20s lives abroad for at least a year, to expand their horizons and consciousness, and to define their desires and dreams, and that the bucket list and gap years be replaced with deeper and more meaningful travel experiences.


As well as writing for close to 50 different publications and companies over the years (mostly online) and copy writing luxury reports, Laura Gibbs has also written and co-published an expatriate guide to Thailand, compiled an anthology of travel stories from around the world, ran a coffee blog in Chiang Mai and has written around 15 short stories. In 2016 she started compiling ThaiSmart Expeditions, initially as a guide for friends, then as an ebook and paperback. As of late 2017, ThaiSmart Expeditions has been translated into Chinese and French language and the Laura is now focusing on adding luxury guides to all cities in Thailand.

Laura’s interests are travel, cities, reading, hiking, sustainability, permaculture and lengthy life discussions over coffee. Holding a master’s degree in International Conflict Analysis, she is able to get to the heart of a story quickly and with in depth research. For more information or to talk about a project, please contact Laura Gibbs on the contact page.