We all have that special place that brings back beautiful memories. For some that’s walking around the streets of Paris with a loved one, for others it’s exploring a crazy Asian city by scooter or by foot, marveling at the skyscrapers in Tokyo or getting lost along little alleys in Venice.

Those memories make us feel warm and fuzzy, make us smile after a long day and add a little extra sparkle into our lives. Recently I noticed specialized maps popping up on some instargrammers I follow; maps of small cities, unusual countries or regions in the world, obviously personalized for each individual. After a little ‘digging’ (clicking) I discovered Mapiful’s amazing maps and somehow ended up in conversation with them. They liked my site so much, they offered me a 15% discount for readers of Luxury Chiang Mai!

So if you want to frame your memories of a place, use LuxuryChiangMai15 for 15% discount and free shipping!

The only problem is I have too many memories from too many places….





Chiang Mai Map